Measuring the Immeasurable

Masters of Landscape Architecture Thesis
Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, University of Toronto
2013 - 2014

This project explores how a designed landscape can reveal the hidden tensions between simultaneous and contradictory forces that determine how we value a place: for resource extraction, for ecotourism, or as the locus of unique cultural practices and traditions. All of these forces collide on the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwestern Iceland: a topography of smouldering craters, bubbling fumaroles, and razor-sharp plains of volcanic glass. Steeped in generations of mythology and folklore, the Reykjanes Peninsula is scheduled to become Iceland’s second UNESCO Global Geopark and a centrepiece of the country’s burgeoning ecotourism industry. This designation coincides with increasing international pressure to develop the Reykjanes as a global nexus of geothermal energy production.

Existing sites of geothermal tourism often conflate narratives of industrial development with natural geologic processes, resulting in a contrived experience of the Icelandic landscape. This project proposes a new form of geotourism which couples sites of geothermal power with programs and amenities that reveal patterns of globalized neoliberal capital. By co-opting the spatial logics of geothermal energy production, this project illuminates the hidden forces shaping the Icelandic landscape and imagines new strategies for economic growth and cultural expression.


Unlikely Alliances


Using Vectorworks to Estimate Landscape Performance